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Senior Fitness

Senior Classes

Senior Fitness Classes

The YMCA is the place to stay engaged mentally and physically for all ages! Senior fitness classes at the Harrisburg Area YMCA are a great option for Active Older Adults. They’re a perfect fit for those who want to engage socially with their peers and take advantage of special YMCA fitness programs and modifications!

At the Y, we seek to provide group fitness programs for those of all ages and abilities. If you’re looking for programs that can help you to increase your strength, endurance, and balance, our senior fitness classes are perfect for you. Our classes offer a modified version of our regular fitness class that allows you to work at your own pace with low-impact and safe exercises. Our certified class trainers will understand your limits while keeping you in shape!

We seek to make our senior community members’ health and fitness a huge priority, which is why we offer a large selection of classes to choose from. Staying active is important throughout your lifetime. Why not take the next step and try our fitness classes at the YMCA?

Popular Classes

While we offer a variety of classes across our association, there are a handful of fan favorites that are always available. Is there a class you’re jonesing to try?

Arthritis Foundation YMCA Aquatic Program

The Arthritis Foundation YMCA Aquatic Program (AFYAP) is for people who have limited joint motion, strength, or cardio-respiratory function. The warm water and the gentle movements also help relieve pain and stiffness while building strength.

AFYAP will help you reduce pain. It can also help lower feelings of isolation, gain strength and flexibility, and improve your day-to-day life! The Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program was co-developed with the YMCA. Studies show members attending the classes have experienced:

  • Less pain
  • Improved joint function
  • Increased muscle strength
  • Better quality of life and well-being

Participants can experience the AFYAP Program in a group class setting. Additionally, the one-hour class meets two to three times per week and is led by instructors. Its design is to be a fun, safe way for people with arthritis to exercise and stay fit.

Fitness For All

An all-level class combining cardiovascular conditioning, muscle strengthening, mat work, flexibility, balance, and more. Fitness For All is ideal for active older adults, beginners, and anyone looking for a full-body workout.

Senior Aquacise

Aquatic fitness for the active older adult. Class includes stretching, muscle toning, and aerobic exercises done in shallow water with fitness equipment. Participants should be comfortable in the water but do not need to have swimming skills.

Sit & Be Fit

Increase your muscular strength, flexibility, and balance without the impact of floor aerobics. Using a chair, the class works with resistance bands and light weights.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi, sometimes called tai chi chuan, is a non-competitive, self-paced system of gentle exercise and stretching.

To do t’ai chi, you perform a series of postures or movements in a slow, graceful manner. Each posture flows into the next without pausing, which helps aid participants in gaining their focus both physically and mentally.

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