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Child Safety

child safety

Child Safety: Know, See, Respond

We are very excited to have your children with us at the YMCA! Whether it’s for one week, twelve weeks, or throughout the year, we work to ensure your children have a safe, fun-filled experience at the Y.

As you know, at the Y, child safety and protection is our number one priority.  Our goal is to help educate parents and children on how to be safe from child abuse in any environment with the skills they learn at our Y.  Our team is trained in comprehensive and innovative practices around child safety to ensure your children are safe in our care.  The trust that you, as parents and guardians, place in us to care for your children is important to us and we do not take that trust for granted.

You will see these symbols around our YMCAs and in our programs:

know see respond child safety

These symbols stand for Know, See, Respond.

This symbol is a conversation starter for YMCA staff, and parents and guardians to talk about child protection. As we mentioned, our YMCA staff is fully trained in how to protect children. Please ask them about it. When we KNOW how abuse happens and SEE the warning signs we can RESPOND quickly to prevent it. Together we can foster a culture of child abuse prevention.

I urge you to talk to your children regularly about their experiences at the Harrisburg Area YMCA. Ask them about their instructors. If, as a result, there is ever a concern regarding the safety and protection of your child, please notify us immediately. You can also reach out to your camp, childcare, or any YMCA director.

Throughout the year, we will be offering educational opportunities regarding child safety, and we encourage you to join us. Together, we can keep our children safe.

Thank you for being a part of our YMCA family.

Additional Resources

Together, we can keep our children safe and cultivate the values, skills, and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health, and educational achievement. At the YMCA, in order to keep children safe, we require all staff and volunteers to follow a Code of Conduct. We do not allow staff to have outside contact with children we serve at the YMCA. In addition, only authorized staff are allowed to take photos of children in the YMCA. No special attention or gifts are allowed to be given by staff.

CHILDLINE: 1-800-932-0313
The toll-free hotline, 1-800-932-0313, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to receive reports of suspected child abuse.

Want to Learn More?

Click the links below to watch informative videos:

Help your child and teen understand with these videos, geared for younger audiences:

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