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5 Summer Fruits & Recipes

summer fruits and recipesSummer is officially here and with it, summer crops! Fresh fruits and vegetables are the perfect side dish to a BBQ, lunch entrée on a picnic, and refreshing breakfast to start the day.

Many fruits not only offer a sweet, refreshing taste during hot summer days, but their water content helps keep you hydrated as well. Some of the most popular summer fruits are: Pineapple, Blueberries, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, and Peaches. These 5 fruits offer a variety of health benefits and can be used in hundreds of delicious recipes.


According to an article from the Diet Health Club, pineapples are “a very good source of an enzyme bromelain which aids digestion.” In addition, pineapples encompass a variety of vitamins, minerals and water content for a refreshing taste during the summer months.

A delicious and healthy pineapple recipe to try this summer, provided by Cooking Light, is Pineapple and Orange Salad with Toasted Coconut! This healthy recipe serves as an “all-purpose side” for any of Cooking Light’s casserole recipes as well as an afternoon snack.



This fruit offers lots of natural antioxidants that help protect our bodies against disease. According to an article from World’s Healthiest Foods, blueberries offer Vitamin K, Manganese, Vitamin C, and a dose of Fiber making the fruit highly nutritional in value.

Eating Well offers a healthy dinner recipe of Teriyaki Pork Chops with Blueberry-Ginger Relish for those summer grilling nights!



In addition to the high water percentage that’s contained in watermelon that helps to hydrate your skin and body, an article from Skymet Weather states that the “[p]resence of Lycopene in the fruit protects your skin against sun damage” and also helps decrease risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Though watermelon is commonly served as a dish by itself, Eating Well also offers a variety of watermelon recipes for the summer, including a nutritious Watermelon Salsa recipe that can be eaten with chips or served as a topping for grilled meats.



According to an article from Organic Facts, cantaloupes have a variety of health benefits including: immune system booster, healthy skin, eye health, diabetes, etc. This particular fruit contains 68% Vitamin A and 61% of Vitamin C, according to data collected by Organic Facts.

Cantaloupe is also frequently served by itself, but Martha Stewart provides a wonderful Chickpea, Melon, and Rosemary Salad recipe to try this summer!



Peaches are known for their fuzzy skin and sweetness. But did you also know that they are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and help to control weight? According to an article from, “Peaches are a healthy way to fit in one of your daily servings of fruit” and offer all of the above nutritional benefits. LiveSTRONG states that, “In the ‘Journal of Medicinal Food,’ a study published in October 2009 reported that significant antioxidants are present in the flesh and skin of peaches.” Thus, when consuming your peaches this summer, don’t forget to eat that delicious, fuzzy skin (after it’s washed of course).

As for a summer recipe with peaches, The Food Network offers a Peach Frozen Yogurt recipe that requires only 4 ingredients. Frozen yogurt is a healthier alternative to ice cream and is a delicious summer dessert option!

Summer fruit is both delicious and nutritious, so don’t forget to take advantage of the hundreds of summer recipes that incorporate your favorite summer fruits this season! Try something new for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or enjoy the fruit by itself for a sweet afternoon snack! However you choose to eat your fruit this summer, remember to take in your daily recommended dose, which, according to an article on is 2 cups of fruit per day for “moderately active women through the age of 30 and moderately active men of all ages, while women over the age of 30 should reduce their daily intake to 1 1/2 cups, according to the USDA.”

If you or someone you know wants to learn more about recommended daily nutrition and healthy eating, our YMCA branches offer a variety of courses and classes focused on your health. To find out more about our health programs, click HERE! And don’t forget to enjoy your fruit this summer.

-Emily Sanville, Digital Communications Coordinator

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